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With a history dating back thousands of years, cameras are one of our most important inventions. If you’re a budding photographer, chemist or filmmaker, the Street Science team would love to help you dive deeper into the topic! Our popular See the Light for Year 5s show is all about how light moves and is absorbed, and we guide students through the process of making light-sensitive bands that work much the same way as cameras.


The technology that powers cameras is actually based on very simple principles, it has just taken us a while to get to the point where we can all carry around cameras in our pockets!

Katherine Bennell-Pegg's epic journey to becoming Australia's first fully trained Astronaut.In a monumental achievement that has reverberated across the globe, Katherine Bennell-Pegg has made history as the first Australian to be trained as an astronaut with the...

The earliest cameras worked using a clever chemistry trick. Certain chemicals (like silver chloride) change colour when they’re exposed to light. In this case, silver chloride darkens when the light hits it, allowing a photographer to capture a black and white image.

Una distorsione, chiamata anche lesione da distorsione ... Una strategia chiave è l'esercizio fisico regolare: essere allenati significa ... distorsioni. Inoltre, ...

Under theDomeAmazon Prime

2022524 — As the frequency decreases, the distance between consecutive wave crests or troughs increases. The wavelength of a wave is inversely ...

The type of camera you’re more familiar with is the film camera. The first film cameras were developed in the early 1800s by French inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. Building on earlier research that showed certain chemicals change colour when they’re exposed to light, Joseph was able to take the world’s first photograph in 1826.

Oct 7, 2020 — In order for a lens to be compatible with a camera, the format of the lens needs to be greater than or equal to the sensor format. If a lens ...

Mar 13, 2017 — One of the latests results, obtained together with Carlo Baldassi, new assistant professor at the Department of Decision Sciences, has provided ...

Under theDome

Under theDomeNetflix

Our Favourite Hands-On Science IncursionsGetting hands-on is hands-down the best way to engage students and encourage them to get involved with science! Whether you’re teaching prep or high school aged students, a hands-on lesson helps make a lasting impression and...

A camera lens works the same way, collecting and bending the light onto your digital sensor (or film, if you're a time traveler from 1995). This is why you ...

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The newest cameras have sensors made up of millions of pixels. When you point your camera and snap an image, light streams through the lens and hits the sensor. The sensor absorbs photons, measures the colour and intensity of the light, and turns that information into a long string of numbers. To a computer, that long string of numbers is a set of instructions that tells it how to show the image, which is why you can transfer digital images to any camera, computer or smartphone and they always look the same!

These days, film cameras work on the same basic principles, but the technology has come a long way. Modern films use a group of chemicals called silver halides. Silver halides are light-sensitive crystals that change colour when exposed to light. On photographic film, silver halide crystals are coated in gelatin to protect them from being exposed to light and to make sure the photo doesn’t fade after it has been taken.

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Under theDomeFilm

Light beam splitter is a crossword puzzle clue.

We develop all our shows to deliver engaging and impactful lessons that students will carry with them for years to come. Our expert instructors work to Australia’s school curriculum and know how to turn any topic into a fun one! Feel free to contact us at any time if you have questions or would like to book a show with our team.

Celebrating the achievements of Street Science legends Danni and Laura as they graduate.At Street Science, we take immense pride in our team of dedicated educators, who work tirelessly to nurture the budding scientific minds of tomorrow. So, we wanted to shine a light...


The very first type of camera was called a “camera obscura.” Unlike the camera on your phone, a camera obscura doesn’t snap a photo that you can print out and carry around. Instead, a camera obscura is a dark room with a small hole or lens in one wall. The light that streams through the lens projects an image of the outside world onto the wall across from it.

That’s right. The tiny little camera on the back of your phone is the result of more than 200 years of research and scientific developments! While humans have been using our own two hands to paint and draw for thousands of years, it was only in recent times that we figured out the science of taking photos.

Early cameras were little more than dark boxes with a lens on one side. To take a photo, the lens would be uncovered, and the light that came into the camera was focused onto a plate that was coated with a chemical like silver chloride or silver iodide. The silver would change colour and capture the image that was coming through the lens.

Experience your aquarium in an entirely new way. The Current USA LOOP® app turns your android phone into the ultimate wireless command center for your LOOP® ...

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Except, instead of using rolls of film made using light-sensitive silver halides, digital cameras have a sensor that’s made of silicon. A digital camera’s sensor has a grid of thousands of tiny “photosites” that are sensitive to light. You’ve probably heard photosites called by their more common name: pixels.

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... lenses (all I have are zoom lenses.) My favorite lens, Canon EFS 18-135 mm, has a "MACRO .45m/1.5 ft. My other lens, Canon EF 75-300mm has "MACRO 1.5m/4.9 ...

After Joseph Nicéphore Niépce’s success, the world of photography moved forward quickly. Lots of different inventors and chemists turned their attention to creating better cameras and improved photographic chemicals. The biggest leap forward came in 1888 when George Eastman developed his first camera which he called “Kodak.” The Kodak was the first to capture pictures on rolls of photographic film, which produced better quality, longer-lasting images.