
icons This is where your icon assets will live. These icons can be used for buttons, navigation elements, or any other UI components. The recommended format for icons is PNG, but other formats can be used as well.

Wir nutzen Trusted Shops als unabhängigen Dienstleister für die Einholung von Bewertungen. Trusted Shops hat Maßnahmen getroffen, um sicherzustellen, das es sich um echte Bewertungen handelt. Mehr Informationen

Open Interpreter01


models This is where your app's models will live. Each model has a directory which will contain the mobx-state-tree model file, test file, and any other supporting files like actions, types, etc.

open interpreter使用

Note on Contributions: We plan to open for contributions in the near future after we've got the necessary processes in place. Please check back for updates on our contribution guidelines! Thanks for your support and interest in the project.

This directory is designed to organize and store various assets, making it easy for you to manage and use them in your application. The assets are further categorized into subdirectories, including fonts, icons, images:

The ignite directory stores all things Ignite, including CLI and boilerplate items. Here you will find templates you can customize to help you get started with React Native.

Control your computer and smart home with voice commands from anywhere. The 01 App connects to a server on your home machine, enabling remote access to your files, apps, and IoT devices.

This is an open-source release for developers. Pull requests are encouraged to improve the app! Expect updates to the pull request process as we figure things out. Pre-commit checks are in the pipeline!


app.tsx This is the entry point to your app. This is where you will find the main App component which renders the rest of the application.

For development purposes you will have to manually connect to the LiveKit server on the simulator by making the changes according to the commented code in app/screens/LoginScreen.tsx.

images This is where your images will live, such as background images, logos, or any other graphics. You can use various formats such as PNG, JPEG, or GIF for your images.

Open Interpreter

screens This is where your screen components will live. A screen is a React component which will take up the entire screen and be part of the navigation hierarchy. Each screen will have a directory containing the .tsx file, along with any assets or other helper files.

This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGPL-3.0). You can read the full license text here.

utils This is a great place to put miscellaneous helpers and utilities. Things like date helpers, formatters, etc. are often found here. However, it should only be used for things that are truly shared across your application. If a helper or utility is only used by a specific component or model, consider co-locating your helper with that component or model.