Explore KC® high-quality light bars for your vehicle. From the bumper to up top overhead, led light bars are a great way to achieve both form and function.

If you are experiencing blurry vision, don’t delay in getting the professional support that you need to stop your eyesight from negatively impacting your life. Call our offices today to schedule a consultation.


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Dry eyes or dry eye syndrome as it is also known, is often a chronic condition that is caused by a lack of natural lubrication on the eyes. This can be because the glands responsible for producing tear film aren’t working effectively, or because the fluid is draining too quickly. Dry eye causes a range of symptoms including stiff eyes and blurred vision. There are numerous treatment options, including eye drops, devices that block the drainage channels from your eyes, and thermal pulsation treatment. Your eye doctor will be able to advise you of the best treatment based on your individual needs.

1. Begriff: Ein Schlüsselbegriff aus dem Europarecht; der innere Zusammenhalt einer gesetzlichen Norm, gemeint v.a.: das Steuerrecht. Die "Kohärenz des Steuersystems" ist ein zentrales Argument bei der Auseinandersetzung um die Vereinbarkeit einzelner nationaler Steuervorschriften mit dem Europarecht.2. Bedeutung: a) zunehmende Konflikte zwischen nationalem und europäischem Recht: Der nationale Gesetzgeber ist in der Gestaltung seines Steuergesetzes nach dem EG-Vertrag frei, soweit es nicht Vorgaben der EU gibt. Es sind jedoch in diesem Rahmen z.B. auch die allg. gehaltenen Vorgaben der europarechtlichen Grundfreiheiten zu beachten, sodass steuerliche Regelungen zwar frei gewählt werden dürfen, sie aber z.B. nicht ohne einen zwingenden Rechtfertigungsgrund die Möglichkeiten der Unternehmen, sich im Ausland niederzulassen, behindern oder weniger attraktiv machen dürfen. Die Konflikte, bei denen nationale steuerliche Vorschriften vor dem Hintergrund der Grundfreiheiten sich als rechtswidrig herausstellen, haben in den letzten Jahren und Jahrzehnten ständig zugenommen, da es infolge der zunehmenden Internationalisierung der Wirtschaft auch immer mehr praktische Fälle gibt.b) mögliche Rechtfertigung, Grundregeln für die Überprüfung: Nationale Steuerregeln, die die Wirkung der Grundfreiheiten beeinträchtigen, können jedoch vom Europarecht toleriert werden, wenn sie sachlich gerechtfertigt sind. Dabei muss jede steuerliche Regelung einzeln betrachtet werden; Effekte anderer Regeln dürfen nicht in die Debatte eingeführt werden.c) Rolle der "Kohärenz": In diesem Zusammenhang ist es nötig, abzugrenzen, wann mehrere steuerliche Bestimmungen/steuerliche Effekte Teil ein und desselben Ganzen bilden (= eine Regelung) oder nicht zwingend miteinander zu tun haben (= mehrere, verschiedenen Regelungen, deren gemeinsame Betrachtung sich europarechtlich verbietet). Der Grundsatz der "Kohärenz" besagt in diesem Zusammenhang, dass sachlich zwingend zusammen hängende Vorschriften auch zusammenhängend zu betrachten sind: hängt also z.B. eine Nichtabsetzbarkeit bestimmter Ausgaben (nur für Ausländer) sachlich zwingend zusammen damit, dass die zugehörigen Einnahmen ihrerseits ebenfalls (nur für Ausländer) nicht steuerpflichtig sind, kann ein Staat nicht europarechtlich gezwungen werden, einem EU-Bürger die Abzugsfähigkeit der Ausgaben zuzugestehen, ohne zugleich auch die Steuerpflicht der zugehörigen Einnahmen durchsetzen zu können. Es geht also letztlich darum, inhaltlich zusammengehörige Vorschriften auch zusammengehörend anzuwenden.3. Einzelheiten: Nachdem die Mitgliedsstaaten mehrere Jahre lang tendenziell versucht hatten,  zu argumentieren, alle steuerlichen Vorschriften ihres Steuerrechts bildeten insgesamt ohnehin ein untrennbares Ganzes (was eine gerichtliche Prüfung einzelner Bestimmungen fast unmöglich gemacht hätte), hat der Europäische Gerichtshof das Wesen der "Kohärenz" einer Steuerregelung zunehmend enger definiert, z.B.: a) keine gemeinsame Betrachtung einer Ausgabe beim Steuerpflichtigen X mit ihren steuerlichen Folgen beim Empfänger Y,b) keine Berücksichtigung pauschal unterstellter, im Einzelfall aber nicht wirklich immer eintretender Zusammenhänge. Dementsprechend wird die im Steuerrecht übliche, europarechtlich aber auch in anderen Rechtsbereichen nicht akzeptierte Sitte, Zusammenhänge typisierend zu unterstellen, obwohl sie im Einzelfall nicht existieren, bei der Definition der Kohärenz einer Regelung nicht akzeptiert.



Most people will experience blurred vision at some point during their lifetime. In many cases, it will be temporary and will resolve itself without the need for any significant treatment. However, some people will need assistance to restore the clarity of their sight. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available that can help, but exactly how to fix blurry vision will depend on the cause. Contrary to what some people believe, blurred vision doesn’t always mean that you need glasses. There may be a simpler reason as to why your eyesight is compromised which may be able to be rectified with a straightforward solution. Here are some of the most common causes of blurry vision and what can be done to fix it. Refractive Eye ErrorRefractive eye errors are one of the most common causes of blurred vision. This occurs when the light that enters the eye isn’t refracted correctly and falls in front of or behind the retina, garbling the message sent up the optic nerve to the brain, causing the patient’s vision to appear distorted and blurred. Fortunately, there are a variety of solutions available for refractive eye errors. Glasses with prescription lenses are the most popular but contact lenses and laser vision correction surgery, which is largely permanent, are also very effective solutions. CataractsCataracts are most often seen affecting senior-age patients and are caused when the proteins that naturally occur in the eyes clump together, causing cloudiness that makes it difficult to see clearly. Many patients with cataracts liken the effect to looking through frosted glass. Cataracts develop slowly, and the only way to restore your vision is to have the clouded lens of your eye replaced with an artificial version. While this may sound complicated, cataract surgery is extremely common and very safe when carried out by an experienced professional. Dry EyesDry eyes or dry eye syndrome as it is also known, is often a chronic condition that is caused by a lack of natural lubrication on the eyes. This can be because the glands responsible for producing tear film aren’t working effectively, or because the fluid is draining too quickly. Dry eye causes a range of symptoms including stiff eyes and blurred vision. There are numerous treatment options, including eye drops, devices that block the drainage channels from your eyes, and thermal pulsation treatment. Your eye doctor will be able to advise you of the best treatment based on your individual needs. Diabetes/Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetes is a very common health problem that occurs when the patient is no longer able to control their own blood sugar levels and is reliant on making dietary changes or taking medication in order to keep it stable. However, many people don’t realize that diabetes can also impact on your vision. This is because persistently high blood sugar levels can damage the tiny blood vessels in your retina, causing them to leak fluid and blood and causing blurred vision. This is known as diabetic retinopathy and is a complication that can occur as a result of uncontrolled diabetes. If you are diabetic and experiencing blurred vision, prompt professional action, whether through injections or laser treatments, is necessary to prevent permanent damage to your vision. Your eye doctor will be able to advise you on which treatment is right for you. Binocular Vision DysfunctionBinocular vision dysfunction, or BVD, is a surprisingly common yet relatively unheard-of visual condition that is caused by the inability of the eyes to work in perfect synchronization with one another. When this happens, the patient’s brain tries to counteract the problem by working extra-hard to bring the objects being viewed into alignment. This can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms including blurred vision, headaches, eyestrain, dizziness and more. Fortunately, BVD can be treated, usually using special prescription lenses that make it easier to bring the eyes into alignment with one another and produce clear 3D images of the world around you.  If you are experiencing blurry vision, don’t delay in getting the professional support that you need to stop your eyesight from negatively impacting your life. Call our offices today to schedule a consultation.

Binocular vision dysfunction, or BVD, is a surprisingly common yet relatively unheard-of visual condition that is caused by the inability of the eyes to work in perfect synchronization with one another. When this happens, the patient’s brain tries to counteract the problem by working extra-hard to bring the objects being viewed into alignment. This can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms including blurred vision, headaches, eyestrain, dizziness and more. Fortunately, BVD can be treated, usually using special prescription lenses that make it easier to bring the eyes into alignment with one another and produce clear 3D images of the world around you.

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InLine 2.0 Modular Lighting pairs flawlessly with Robern medicine cabinets and mirrors for exceptional design flexibility and a complete experience.

Diabetes is a very common health problem that occurs when the patient is no longer able to control their own blood sugar levels and is reliant on making dietary changes or taking medication in order to keep it stable. However, many people don’t realize that diabetes can also impact on your vision. This is because persistently high blood sugar levels can damage the tiny blood vessels in your retina, causing them to leak fluid and blood and causing blurred vision. This is known as diabetic retinopathy and is a complication that can occur as a result of uncontrolled diabetes. If you are diabetic and experiencing blurred vision, prompt professional action, whether through injections or laser treatments, is necessary to prevent permanent damage to your vision. Your eye doctor will be able to advise you on which treatment is right for you.

Cataracts are most often seen affecting senior-age patients and are caused when the proteins that naturally occur in the eyes clump together, causing cloudiness that makes it difficult to see clearly. Many patients with cataracts liken the effect to looking through frosted glass. Cataracts develop slowly, and the only way to restore your vision is to have the clouded lens of your eye replaced with an artificial version. While this may sound complicated, cataract surgery is extremely common and very safe when carried out by an experienced professional.

Refractive eye errors are one of the most common causes of blurred vision. This occurs when the light that enters the eye isn’t refracted correctly and falls in front of or behind the retina, garbling the message sent up the optic nerve to the brain, causing the patient’s vision to appear distorted and blurred. Fortunately, there are a variety of solutions available for refractive eye errors. Glasses with prescription lenses are the most popular but contact lenses and laser vision correction surgery, which is largely permanent, are also very effective solutions.

Most people will experience blurred vision at some point during their lifetime. In many cases, it will be temporary and will resolve itself without the need for any significant treatment. However, some people will need assistance to restore the clarity of their sight. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available that can help, but exactly how to fix blurry vision will depend on the cause. Contrary to what some people believe, blurred vision doesn’t always mean that you need glasses. There may be a simpler reason as to why your eyesight is compromised which may be able to be rectified with a straightforward solution.