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Yamanaka, T., Y. Wakiyama and K. Suzuki (2012) : Is snowmelt runoff timing in the Japanese Alps region shifting toward earlier in the year? Hydrological Research Letters, 6, 87-91. (2012.9) Liu, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2012) : Tracing groundwater recharge sources in a mountain-plain transitional area using stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465, 116-126. (2012.9) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
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Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Yamanaka, T., Y. Makino, Y. Wakiyama, K. Kishi, K. Maruyama, M. Kano, W. Ma and K. Suzuki (2015) : How reliable are modeled precipitation isoscapes over a high-relief mountainous region? Hydrological Research Letters, 9, 118-124. (2015.12) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka, X-Y. Li and Z. Wei (2015) : Partitioning evapotranspiration in a temperate grassland ecosystem: numerical modeling with isotopic tracers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 208, 16-31. (2015.4) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, Z. Deng, B. Fang, T. Yamanaka, J. Zhao and X. Wang (2015) : Hydrochemical characteristics and genesis analysis of the Jifei hotspring in Yunnan, southwestern China. Geothermics, 53, 38-45. (2015.1) Liu, Y., T. Yamanaka, X. Zhou, F Tian and W. Ma (2014) : Combined use of tracer approach and numerical simulation to estimate groundwater recharge in an alluvial aquifer system: A case study of Nasunogahara area, central Japan. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 833-847. (2014.11) Wakiyama, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Year-to-year variation in snowmelt runoff from a small forested watershed in the mountainous region of central Japan. Hydrological Research Letters, 8, 90-95. (2014.6) Wang, P. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Application of a two-source model for partitioning evapotranspiration and assessing its controls in temperate grasslands in central Japan. Ecohydrology, 7, 345-353. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1352. (2014.4) Ma, W and T. Yamanaka (2013) : Temporal variability in mean transit time and transit time distributions assessed by a tracer-aided tank model of a meso-scale catchment. Hydrological Research Letters, 7, 104-109. (2013.12) Yamanaka, T., Y. Wakiyama and K. Suzuki (2012) : Is snowmelt runoff timing in the Japanese Alps region shifting toward earlier in the year? Hydrological Research Letters, 6, 87-91. (2012.9) Liu, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2012) : Tracing groundwater recharge sources in a mountain-plain transitional area using stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465, 116-126. (2012.9) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Liu, Y., X. Zhou, Z. Deng, B. Fang, T. Yamanaka, J. Zhao and X. Wang (2015) : Hydrochemical characteristics and genesis analysis of the Jifei hotspring in Yunnan, southwestern China. Geothermics, 53, 38-45. (2015.1) Liu, Y., T. Yamanaka, X. Zhou, F Tian and W. Ma (2014) : Combined use of tracer approach and numerical simulation to estimate groundwater recharge in an alluvial aquifer system: A case study of Nasunogahara area, central Japan. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 833-847. (2014.11) Wakiyama, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Year-to-year variation in snowmelt runoff from a small forested watershed in the mountainous region of central Japan. Hydrological Research Letters, 8, 90-95. (2014.6) Wang, P. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Application of a two-source model for partitioning evapotranspiration and assessing its controls in temperate grasslands in central Japan. Ecohydrology, 7, 345-353. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1352. (2014.4) Ma, W and T. Yamanaka (2013) : Temporal variability in mean transit time and transit time distributions assessed by a tracer-aided tank model of a meso-scale catchment. Hydrological Research Letters, 7, 104-109. (2013.12) Yamanaka, T., Y. Wakiyama and K. Suzuki (2012) : Is snowmelt runoff timing in the Japanese Alps region shifting toward earlier in the year? Hydrological Research Letters, 6, 87-91. (2012.9) Liu, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2012) : Tracing groundwater recharge sources in a mountain-plain transitional area using stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465, 116-126. (2012.9) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
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Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
VideoSoftware Engineer
Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Ma, W and T. Yamanaka (2013) : Temporal variability in mean transit time and transit time distributions assessed by a tracer-aided tank model of a meso-scale catchment. Hydrological Research Letters, 7, 104-109. (2013.12) Yamanaka, T., Y. Wakiyama and K. Suzuki (2012) : Is snowmelt runoff timing in the Japanese Alps region shifting toward earlier in the year? Hydrological Research Letters, 6, 87-91. (2012.9) Liu, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2012) : Tracing groundwater recharge sources in a mountain-plain transitional area using stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465, 116-126. (2012.9) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
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Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Liu, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2012) : Tracing groundwater recharge sources in a mountain-plain transitional area using stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465, 116-126. (2012.9) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Wang, P., T. Yamanaka, X-Y. Li, X. Wu, B. Chen, Y. Liu, Z. Wei, W. Ma (2018) : A multiple time scale modeling investigation of leaf water isotope enrichment in a temperate grassland ecosystem. Ecological Research, 33, 901-915. (2018.3) Yamanaka, T., T. Kimura, X. Sun, H. Kato and Y. Onda (2017) : Comparing root water uptake profile estimations from an isotope-calibrated mechanistic model and a mixing model. Hydrological Research Letters, 11, 161|167. (2017.9) Yamanaka, T. and Y. Yamada (2017) : Regional assessment of recharge elevation of tap water sources using the isoscape approach. Mountain Research and Development, 37, 198|205. (2017.5) Yamanaka, T. and W. Ma (2017) : Runoff prediction in a poorly gauged basin using isotope-calibrated models. Journal of Hydrology, 544, 567-574. (2016.12) Ma, W. and T. Yamanaka (2016) : Factors controlling inter-catchment variation of mean transit time with consideration of temporal variability. Journal of Hydrology, 534, 193-204. (2016.1) Yamanaka, T., Y. Makino, Y. Wakiyama, K. Kishi, K. Maruyama, M. Kano, W. Ma and K. Suzuki (2015) : How reliable are modeled precipitation isoscapes over a high-relief mountainous region? Hydrological Research Letters, 9, 118-124. (2015.12) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka, X-Y. Li and Z. Wei (2015) : Partitioning evapotranspiration in a temperate grassland ecosystem: numerical modeling with isotopic tracers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 208, 16-31. (2015.4) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, Z. Deng, B. Fang, T. Yamanaka, J. Zhao and X. Wang (2015) : Hydrochemical characteristics and genesis analysis of the Jifei hotspring in Yunnan, southwestern China. Geothermics, 53, 38-45. (2015.1) Liu, Y., T. Yamanaka, X. Zhou, F Tian and W. Ma (2014) : Combined use of tracer approach and numerical simulation to estimate groundwater recharge in an alluvial aquifer system: A case study of Nasunogahara area, central Japan. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 833-847. (2014.11) Wakiyama, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Year-to-year variation in snowmelt runoff from a small forested watershed in the mountainous region of central Japan. Hydrological Research Letters, 8, 90-95. (2014.6) Wang, P. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Application of a two-source model for partitioning evapotranspiration and assessing its controls in temperate grasslands in central Japan. Ecohydrology, 7, 345-353. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1352. (2014.4) Ma, W and T. Yamanaka (2013) : Temporal variability in mean transit time and transit time distributions assessed by a tracer-aided tank model of a meso-scale catchment. Hydrological Research Letters, 7, 104-109. (2013.12) Yamanaka, T., Y. Wakiyama and K. Suzuki (2012) : Is snowmelt runoff timing in the Japanese Alps region shifting toward earlier in the year? Hydrological Research Letters, 6, 87-91. (2012.9) Liu, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2012) : Tracing groundwater recharge sources in a mountain-plain transitional area using stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465, 116-126. (2012.9) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
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Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Wang, P. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Application of a two-source model for partitioning evapotranspiration and assessing its controls in temperate grasslands in central Japan. Ecohydrology, 7, 345-353. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1352. (2014.4) Ma, W and T. Yamanaka (2013) : Temporal variability in mean transit time and transit time distributions assessed by a tracer-aided tank model of a meso-scale catchment. Hydrological Research Letters, 7, 104-109. (2013.12) Yamanaka, T., Y. Wakiyama and K. Suzuki (2012) : Is snowmelt runoff timing in the Japanese Alps region shifting toward earlier in the year? Hydrological Research Letters, 6, 87-91. (2012.9) Liu, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2012) : Tracing groundwater recharge sources in a mountain-plain transitional area using stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465, 116-126. (2012.9) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Yamanaka, T. and Y. Yamada (2017) : Regional assessment of recharge elevation of tap water sources using the isoscape approach. Mountain Research and Development, 37, 198|205. (2017.5) Yamanaka, T. and W. Ma (2017) : Runoff prediction in a poorly gauged basin using isotope-calibrated models. Journal of Hydrology, 544, 567-574. (2016.12) Ma, W. and T. Yamanaka (2016) : Factors controlling inter-catchment variation of mean transit time with consideration of temporal variability. Journal of Hydrology, 534, 193-204. (2016.1) Yamanaka, T., Y. Makino, Y. Wakiyama, K. Kishi, K. Maruyama, M. Kano, W. Ma and K. Suzuki (2015) : How reliable are modeled precipitation isoscapes over a high-relief mountainous region? Hydrological Research Letters, 9, 118-124. (2015.12) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka, X-Y. Li and Z. Wei (2015) : Partitioning evapotranspiration in a temperate grassland ecosystem: numerical modeling with isotopic tracers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 208, 16-31. (2015.4) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, Z. Deng, B. Fang, T. Yamanaka, J. Zhao and X. Wang (2015) : Hydrochemical characteristics and genesis analysis of the Jifei hotspring in Yunnan, southwestern China. Geothermics, 53, 38-45. (2015.1) Liu, Y., T. Yamanaka, X. Zhou, F Tian and W. Ma (2014) : Combined use of tracer approach and numerical simulation to estimate groundwater recharge in an alluvial aquifer system: A case study of Nasunogahara area, central Japan. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 833-847. (2014.11) Wakiyama, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Year-to-year variation in snowmelt runoff from a small forested watershed in the mountainous region of central Japan. Hydrological Research Letters, 8, 90-95. (2014.6) Wang, P. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Application of a two-source model for partitioning evapotranspiration and assessing its controls in temperate grasslands in central Japan. Ecohydrology, 7, 345-353. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1352. (2014.4) Ma, W and T. Yamanaka (2013) : Temporal variability in mean transit time and transit time distributions assessed by a tracer-aided tank model of a meso-scale catchment. Hydrological Research Letters, 7, 104-109. (2013.12) Yamanaka, T., Y. Wakiyama and K. Suzuki (2012) : Is snowmelt runoff timing in the Japanese Alps region shifting toward earlier in the year? Hydrological Research Letters, 6, 87-91. (2012.9) Liu, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2012) : Tracing groundwater recharge sources in a mountain-plain transitional area using stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465, 116-126. (2012.9) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
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Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
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Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
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Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
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Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
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Wang, P., T. Yamanaka, X-Y. Li and Z. Wei (2015) : Partitioning evapotranspiration in a temperate grassland ecosystem: numerical modeling with isotopic tracers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 208, 16-31. (2015.4) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, Z. Deng, B. Fang, T. Yamanaka, J. Zhao and X. Wang (2015) : Hydrochemical characteristics and genesis analysis of the Jifei hotspring in Yunnan, southwestern China. Geothermics, 53, 38-45. (2015.1) Liu, Y., T. Yamanaka, X. Zhou, F Tian and W. Ma (2014) : Combined use of tracer approach and numerical simulation to estimate groundwater recharge in an alluvial aquifer system: A case study of Nasunogahara area, central Japan. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 833-847. (2014.11) Wakiyama, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Year-to-year variation in snowmelt runoff from a small forested watershed in the mountainous region of central Japan. Hydrological Research Letters, 8, 90-95. (2014.6) Wang, P. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Application of a two-source model for partitioning evapotranspiration and assessing its controls in temperate grasslands in central Japan. Ecohydrology, 7, 345-353. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1352. (2014.4) Ma, W and T. Yamanaka (2013) : Temporal variability in mean transit time and transit time distributions assessed by a tracer-aided tank model of a meso-scale catchment. Hydrological Research Letters, 7, 104-109. (2013.12) Yamanaka, T., Y. Wakiyama and K. Suzuki (2012) : Is snowmelt runoff timing in the Japanese Alps region shifting toward earlier in the year? Hydrological Research Letters, 6, 87-91. (2012.9) Liu, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2012) : Tracing groundwater recharge sources in a mountain-plain transitional area using stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465, 116-126. (2012.9) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Yamanaka, T., T. Kimura, X. Sun, H. Kato and Y. Onda (2017) : Comparing root water uptake profile estimations from an isotope-calibrated mechanistic model and a mixing model. Hydrological Research Letters, 11, 161|167. (2017.9) Yamanaka, T. and Y. Yamada (2017) : Regional assessment of recharge elevation of tap water sources using the isoscape approach. Mountain Research and Development, 37, 198|205. (2017.5) Yamanaka, T. and W. Ma (2017) : Runoff prediction in a poorly gauged basin using isotope-calibrated models. Journal of Hydrology, 544, 567-574. (2016.12) Ma, W. and T. Yamanaka (2016) : Factors controlling inter-catchment variation of mean transit time with consideration of temporal variability. Journal of Hydrology, 534, 193-204. (2016.1) Yamanaka, T., Y. Makino, Y. Wakiyama, K. Kishi, K. Maruyama, M. Kano, W. Ma and K. Suzuki (2015) : How reliable are modeled precipitation isoscapes over a high-relief mountainous region? Hydrological Research Letters, 9, 118-124. (2015.12) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka, X-Y. Li and Z. Wei (2015) : Partitioning evapotranspiration in a temperate grassland ecosystem: numerical modeling with isotopic tracers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 208, 16-31. (2015.4) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, Z. Deng, B. Fang, T. Yamanaka, J. Zhao and X. Wang (2015) : Hydrochemical characteristics and genesis analysis of the Jifei hotspring in Yunnan, southwestern China. Geothermics, 53, 38-45. (2015.1) Liu, Y., T. Yamanaka, X. Zhou, F Tian and W. Ma (2014) : Combined use of tracer approach and numerical simulation to estimate groundwater recharge in an alluvial aquifer system: A case study of Nasunogahara area, central Japan. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 833-847. (2014.11) Wakiyama, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Year-to-year variation in snowmelt runoff from a small forested watershed in the mountainous region of central Japan. Hydrological Research Letters, 8, 90-95. (2014.6) Wang, P. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Application of a two-source model for partitioning evapotranspiration and assessing its controls in temperate grasslands in central Japan. Ecohydrology, 7, 345-353. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1352. (2014.4) Ma, W and T. Yamanaka (2013) : Temporal variability in mean transit time and transit time distributions assessed by a tracer-aided tank model of a meso-scale catchment. Hydrological Research Letters, 7, 104-109. (2013.12) Yamanaka, T., Y. Wakiyama and K. Suzuki (2012) : Is snowmelt runoff timing in the Japanese Alps region shifting toward earlier in the year? Hydrological Research Letters, 6, 87-91. (2012.9) Liu, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2012) : Tracing groundwater recharge sources in a mountain-plain transitional area using stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465, 116-126. (2012.9) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Wakiyama, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Year-to-year variation in snowmelt runoff from a small forested watershed in the mountainous region of central Japan. Hydrological Research Letters, 8, 90-95. (2014.6) Wang, P. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Application of a two-source model for partitioning evapotranspiration and assessing its controls in temperate grasslands in central Japan. Ecohydrology, 7, 345-353. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1352. (2014.4) Ma, W and T. Yamanaka (2013) : Temporal variability in mean transit time and transit time distributions assessed by a tracer-aided tank model of a meso-scale catchment. Hydrological Research Letters, 7, 104-109. (2013.12) Yamanaka, T., Y. Wakiyama and K. Suzuki (2012) : Is snowmelt runoff timing in the Japanese Alps region shifting toward earlier in the year? Hydrological Research Letters, 6, 87-91. (2012.9) Liu, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2012) : Tracing groundwater recharge sources in a mountain-plain transitional area using stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465, 116-126. (2012.9) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
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Ma, W. and T. Yamanaka (2016) : Factors controlling inter-catchment variation of mean transit time with consideration of temporal variability. Journal of Hydrology, 534, 193-204. (2016.1) Yamanaka, T., Y. Makino, Y. Wakiyama, K. Kishi, K. Maruyama, M. Kano, W. Ma and K. Suzuki (2015) : How reliable are modeled precipitation isoscapes over a high-relief mountainous region? Hydrological Research Letters, 9, 118-124. (2015.12) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka, X-Y. Li and Z. Wei (2015) : Partitioning evapotranspiration in a temperate grassland ecosystem: numerical modeling with isotopic tracers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 208, 16-31. (2015.4) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, Z. Deng, B. Fang, T. Yamanaka, J. Zhao and X. Wang (2015) : Hydrochemical characteristics and genesis analysis of the Jifei hotspring in Yunnan, southwestern China. Geothermics, 53, 38-45. (2015.1) Liu, Y., T. Yamanaka, X. Zhou, F Tian and W. Ma (2014) : Combined use of tracer approach and numerical simulation to estimate groundwater recharge in an alluvial aquifer system: A case study of Nasunogahara area, central Japan. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 833-847. (2014.11) Wakiyama, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Year-to-year variation in snowmelt runoff from a small forested watershed in the mountainous region of central Japan. Hydrological Research Letters, 8, 90-95. (2014.6) Wang, P. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Application of a two-source model for partitioning evapotranspiration and assessing its controls in temperate grasslands in central Japan. Ecohydrology, 7, 345-353. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1352. (2014.4) Ma, W and T. Yamanaka (2013) : Temporal variability in mean transit time and transit time distributions assessed by a tracer-aided tank model of a meso-scale catchment. Hydrological Research Letters, 7, 104-109. (2013.12) Yamanaka, T., Y. Wakiyama and K. Suzuki (2012) : Is snowmelt runoff timing in the Japanese Alps region shifting toward earlier in the year? Hydrological Research Letters, 6, 87-91. (2012.9) Liu, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2012) : Tracing groundwater recharge sources in a mountain-plain transitional area using stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465, 116-126. (2012.9) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Yamanaka, T. and W. Ma (2017) : Runoff prediction in a poorly gauged basin using isotope-calibrated models. Journal of Hydrology, 544, 567-574. (2016.12) Ma, W. and T. Yamanaka (2016) : Factors controlling inter-catchment variation of mean transit time with consideration of temporal variability. Journal of Hydrology, 534, 193-204. (2016.1) Yamanaka, T., Y. Makino, Y. Wakiyama, K. Kishi, K. Maruyama, M. Kano, W. Ma and K. Suzuki (2015) : How reliable are modeled precipitation isoscapes over a high-relief mountainous region? Hydrological Research Letters, 9, 118-124. (2015.12) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka, X-Y. Li and Z. Wei (2015) : Partitioning evapotranspiration in a temperate grassland ecosystem: numerical modeling with isotopic tracers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 208, 16-31. (2015.4) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, Z. Deng, B. Fang, T. Yamanaka, J. Zhao and X. Wang (2015) : Hydrochemical characteristics and genesis analysis of the Jifei hotspring in Yunnan, southwestern China. Geothermics, 53, 38-45. (2015.1) Liu, Y., T. Yamanaka, X. Zhou, F Tian and W. Ma (2014) : Combined use of tracer approach and numerical simulation to estimate groundwater recharge in an alluvial aquifer system: A case study of Nasunogahara area, central Japan. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 833-847. (2014.11) Wakiyama, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Year-to-year variation in snowmelt runoff from a small forested watershed in the mountainous region of central Japan. Hydrological Research Letters, 8, 90-95. (2014.6) Wang, P. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Application of a two-source model for partitioning evapotranspiration and assessing its controls in temperate grasslands in central Japan. Ecohydrology, 7, 345-353. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1352. (2014.4) Ma, W and T. Yamanaka (2013) : Temporal variability in mean transit time and transit time distributions assessed by a tracer-aided tank model of a meso-scale catchment. Hydrological Research Letters, 7, 104-109. (2013.12) Yamanaka, T., Y. Wakiyama and K. Suzuki (2012) : Is snowmelt runoff timing in the Japanese Alps region shifting toward earlier in the year? Hydrological Research Letters, 6, 87-91. (2012.9) Liu, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2012) : Tracing groundwater recharge sources in a mountain-plain transitional area using stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465, 116-126. (2012.9) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
Liu, Y., T. Yamanaka, X. Zhou, F Tian and W. Ma (2014) : Combined use of tracer approach and numerical simulation to estimate groundwater recharge in an alluvial aquifer system: A case study of Nasunogahara area, central Japan. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 833-847. (2014.11) Wakiyama, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Year-to-year variation in snowmelt runoff from a small forested watershed in the mountainous region of central Japan. Hydrological Research Letters, 8, 90-95. (2014.6) Wang, P. and T. Yamanaka (2014) : Application of a two-source model for partitioning evapotranspiration and assessing its controls in temperate grasslands in central Japan. Ecohydrology, 7, 345-353. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1352. (2014.4) Ma, W and T. Yamanaka (2013) : Temporal variability in mean transit time and transit time distributions assessed by a tracer-aided tank model of a meso-scale catchment. Hydrological Research Letters, 7, 104-109. (2013.12) Yamanaka, T., Y. Wakiyama and K. Suzuki (2012) : Is snowmelt runoff timing in the Japanese Alps region shifting toward earlier in the year? Hydrological Research Letters, 6, 87-91. (2012.9) Liu, Y. and T. Yamanaka (2012) : Tracing groundwater recharge sources in a mountain-plain transitional area using stable isotopes and hydrochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465, 116-126. (2012.9) Liu, Y., X. Zhou, B. Fang, H. Zhou and T. Yamanaka (2012) : A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66, 1887-1896. (2012.8) Wang, P., T. Yamanaka and G.Y. Qiu (2012) : Causes of decreased reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in the Jinghe River catchment, northern China. The Environmentalist, 32, 1-10. (2012.4) Yamanaka, T., M. Mikita, O. Lorphensri, J. Shimada, M. Kagabu, R. Ikawa, T. Nakamura and M. Tsujimura (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part II: how much water has been renewed? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2734-2741. (2011.8) Mikita, M., T. Yamanaka and O. Lorphensri (2011) : Anthropogenic changes in a confined groundwater flow system in the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, part I: was groundwater-recharge enhanced? Hydrological Processes, 25, 2726-2733. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, M. Tsujimura, O. Lorphensri, M. Mikita, A. Hagihara and S. Onodera (2011) : Tracing a confined groundwater flow system under the pressure of excessive groundwater use in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2654-2664. (2011.8) Yamanaka, T. (2009) : Interdisciplinary perspectives on hydrological cycle in arid zones. Annals of Arid Zone, 48, 341-357. (2011.11) Yamanaka, T. and H. Wakui (2009) : Intensive groundwater-surface water interaction in an alluvial fan: assessment using a numerical model and isotopic tracer. M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh & Y. Umezawa (Eds.): "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Changes and Watershed Management", Taylor and Francis, 321-327. Yamanaka, T., and R. Shimizu (2007) : Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3162-3169. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Characteristics and controlling factors of regional-scale surface soil moisture variability over semi-arid grassland in Mongolia. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 261-270. Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.
20231114 — LED TVs are a type of flat panel display that uses LED backlighting instead of CCFLs (cold cathode fluorescent lamps).
Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Ganbold (2007) : Summertime soil hydrological cycle and surface energy balance on the Mongolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 69, 65-79. Yamanaka, T., M. Tsujimura, D. Oyunbaatar, and G. Davaa (2007) : Isotopic variation of precipitation over eastern Mongolia and its implication for the atmospheric water cycle. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 21-34. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Y. Yang, Z. Wanjun and H. Chunsheng (2004) : Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in a northern part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2211|2222. Yamanaka, T., M. Inoue and I. Kaihotsu (2004) : Effects of gravel mulch on water vapor transfer above and below the soil surface. Agricultural Water Management, 67, 145|155. Yamanaka, T., J. Shimada, and K. Miyaoka (2002) : Footprint analysis using event-based isotope data for identifying source area of precipitated water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D22), 4624, doi10.1029/2001JD001187. Yamanaka, T. and T. Yonetani (1999) : Dynamics of the evaporation zone in dry sandy soils. Journal of Hydrology, 217, 135-148. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and J. Shimada (1998) : Evaporation beneath the soil surface: Some observational evidence and numerical experiments. Hydrological Processes, 12, 2193-2203. Yamanaka, T., A. Takeda, and F. Sugita (1997) : A modified surface-resistance approach for representing bare-soil evaporation: Wind-tunnel experiments under various atmospheric conditions. Water Resources Research, 33, 2117-2128.